Friday, April 10, 2009

New Book Tour Dates

Lalania Simone will be in San Francisco in April!

Reading and Signing- Friday, April 25th @ Redhill Bookstore, 401 Cortland Ave., 7 pm.

Signing- Saturday, April 26th @ Marcus Books, 1712 Fillmore St., 4-5pm

Reading and Signing April 26th @ Open Secret Bookstore 923 C. St. San Rafael, 7 pm


  1. Namaste Lalania, well done bringer of light. Any posits on the origin of ego, external as Carlos Castenada suggests or internal as a vibratory reflection?

  2. I suppose it must be both, as 'inner' and 'outer' are themselves illusions. Maybe the ego begins as a collection of unexpressed emotions (inner), and becomes powerful as it identifies with the outer experience?
